Escape or Accept

If we had been given a choice, what will we choose? Escape from the reality or living in fantasy?

It is hard to keep strong without a strong branch to hold on in the middle of the strong wind. The stronger the wind, the stronger we drag away by it. No matter how hard you’re trying to comfort yourself by denying the reality, you will change nothing but becoming a coward.

It’s hard to face the reality. Sometimes believing it also hard. So, is it possible to live out of reality and live in fantasy? No matter how hard you’re trying to escape from it, just a waste. We’re just human being that have been created by Him to live in this reality of world. What are you expecting for? Wanna against your destiny? That’s mean you’re against Him plan for you.

As human being, we doesn’t have power to disobey His order. The only thing that we could do is stop complaining and stop trying to escape the destiny. Also, have a faith on Him. Keep strong, never give up and trust yourself.

Forget the past and focus on the future. Nothing gonna change the past ‘cause it already happen. But the future is awaiting us. Don’t keep 'prison' yourself in the past. Free yourself from the past and spread out your wings, fly to the future. Times never gonna wait. Face the reality with braveness. With the fighting spirit and the faith on Him, you will taste the sweetness of live.


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