Life is ...

Life is like a route to a destination. Which destination would we choose? That would be the junction of the route. In our life, we need to make a wise choice whenever we are, whatever we did, a choice must be done so that we could pass through it without regret later on.

The moment we was born on this world, the journey has started. Each day past, we have learned something. Step by step, little by little, we learned about what the life is. How hard we need to face to achieve something. We also learned about the world around us and how cruel the world is.

Life is full of unexpected event. We don't know what will happen next. We could make a plan for our future but we can't put guarantee on it. The one who decide the plan is not us but Him. He knows the best for us. So, no matter what happen next, courage and patience is needed in every moment of our life. Give up is the word that we need to eliminate from our life's dictionary if we want to success.

Life is beautiful as roses. Thorn is the challenges that we need to overcome and the flower (rose) is the glory.  Only for those who accept these and succeed are the ones who know the truth of life. Enjoy your life no matter how hard it is and soon, you will enjoy the sweetness of life. Be prepared to bear the pricks of pain. Without preparation, only unhealed wound will remain forever.


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